Dudly Foster
Dudly Foster and His Parents
carte de visite, 4.25 x 2.5 inches, circa 1880
photographer: Chas. Eisenmann
Although there is no caption on this card to indicate the identity of this little person, I am
fairly certain this is a portrait of Dudly Foster.
Young master Foster began his career in sideshow very early. At the tender age of fours years, wee Dudly was advertised as weighing a mere five pounds, and — if the the photographs can
be believed — at that time he stood only about twenty-four inches tall. In photographs, Foster always appears with his parents, whom I suspect were
rather pleased that their unusual boy provided them with such a ready source of income. Judging by his size, it would appear that Dudly Foster was a primordial dwarf.
My tribute to Dudly Foster and his parents may be seen here.
All Images and Text © James G. Mundie 2003 - 2010