New comments will be added to this guestbook periodically.
Comments received prior to 2005 may be seen here.
Comments received prior to 2004 may be seen here.
I enjoyed reading about my great-grandmother, Dolletta, and grandma Lucy.
Karla M. Phillips - Friday, 10 July 2009
My name is Rayna. I am 11 years old. My grandmother Marline Feral grew up in Philadelphia. Princess Wee Wee lived
a few blocks down the road from her. A few days ago she told me the story of a little lady that was in the circus
named Wee Wee. My grandmother although much younger than Wee Wee became a great friend to her. My grandmother would
sit on Wee Wee’s porch and marvel at how tiny she was . I became interested in this Wee Wee lady and googled her name,
where I found your site. For my grandmother and I would you please send me more info about her. How long has she been
dead? is she dead? did she marry?
Rayna O. - Saturday, 7 March 2009
Hi: Would you have any idea where Robert Drake and his midget wife Little Jeane La Barbera might be buried or maybe
cremated? I've been looking on the Net without any success. I know they were living in Florida before their deaths.
I tried findagrave.com, but they weren't listed there.
Larry N. - West Virginia - Friday, 13 February 2009
Greetings Mr. Mundie,
I found your website by happy surprise, and am enthralled by your caring and thoughtful portraits of people who I am
only just beginning to learn about and appreciate. I bought a book at an estate sale called Pictorial History of the American Circus
published in 1967, © 1957, and am fascinated by the whole enchilada, particularly the wonderful freaks.
I am sure you know of Count Orloff, the transparent man, and wonder if I shall see a portrait of him one day? He
fascinates me the most, along with Jonathan Bass.
So, thank you for educating me about this fantastic genre. I like to think about these performers, and I admire them
for their open way of handling very difficult issues that I myself don't know if I could so easily endure.
Sheila Fetzer - Monday, 20 October 2008
Hi there,
Today was the first time I had seen your page and thought, “He is a man I need to contact.” My great
uncles were midgets doing the 20's to 40's and were with Barnum and Bailey and Jack was the original mascot to Buster Brown.
I think he is in the pic you have of the Ritter Midgets also. I wondered had you encountered anything about them? They also were
with the sideshows with the circus.I have a lot of photos but want any info I can find because they are my favorite relatives.
Hope to hear from you and would love to see you add them to your webpage.
Luanne - Saturday, 2 August 2008
Been a fan of Mr Mundie, ever since I stumbled across his beautiful Albinus-inspired Joseph Merrick. His work is a joy to enjoy and study.
Dave Hambly - Sunday, 29 June 2008
Hello, Jim – A few years ago, I inherited a huge mess of photos from the
1860s to 1990s, and the one I sent you was among them.
Written on the back is “Uncle Noble, Aunt Mary, and baby Bernice age about
6 months.” Your website is the first I've seen of the Winners, and I was
curious to know if you know anything about them having a child. Or was
baby Bernice plunked in the lap of her Aunt Mary?
Just an idle question, in a way, although it's a tantalizing shot and
caption. One would think that such unusual people would have more written
about them. There's more and more on the Internet these days, so maybe, in
time, more complete bio's will show up.
Brenda Guiled - Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada - Friday, 15 February 2008
First of all I just wanted to say that I love the artwork and I know that you didn't
state this as fact or anything but I know that Anne Boleyn did not have an extra breast
but she did have an extra finger. I know this because I am a descendent of hers and my
mother has researched for several years now the history of our ancestors. I hope you don't
think I am being rude because I am not trying to be. Again, I love the artwork.
Rowan - Friday, 9 February 2007
My Family is related to Tom Thumb. My grandparents are Barbara and Clifford Stratton.
I love your work.
Julie - Thursday, 11 January 2007
George and I were able to get to your exhibit [at DCCA] today. We loved
it. Thanks for sending me the info about it. I love your Toulouse
Lautrec, the Goya, and Whistler in addition to some of my old favorites, like Lady Anne.
Your work is always so beautiful, “ugly”, sad, and funny, all at the same time.
Jeanne Bustard - Philadelphia PA, USA - Saturday, 30 September 2006
I am quite taken with your work – thanks for making this world a more passionate and exciting place through art.
Laura Witkowski - Charlotte NC, USA - Monday, 25 September 2006
It's a great pleasure to find artists with your kind of
imagination and skill. I have similar interests and will be checking
through your links to increase my own knowledge. It appears that you
live in Philadelphia, but if you ever show in New York, please let me
Richard Meyer - New York NY, USA - Monday, 18 September 2006
Hi, your site is a wonder! Very well done and with dignity, which is a beautiful thing
afforded to the strangely afflicted people. In a world such as this, indignities are many
regardless of the era. It's wonderful to read the stories and which does not delegate
pity or sarcasm to those whom you speak of.
Tina Anderson - Houston TX, USA - Sunday, 6 August 2006
Great site!
Yee Yen - Singapore - Friday, 21 July 2006
Dear Jim,
I really enjoyed your website. Perhaps you will be interested in my
website of my ambrotypes and camera obscura installations.
Stephen Berkman - Monday, 29 May 2006
Dear Sir, I am impressed by your website and your collection of graphics and pictures concerning Mr. Barnum circa-group.
Mr. Mundie, would you please tell me something more about the life and death of Minnie Warren.
I had a chance to read a short story of her life on your web-site and got very interested
about this issue. I tried to internet-search it by myself, but I couldn’t find enough
information. If you could provide references to additional articles, which would contain a
little bit more specific information about her life, please kindly do so; I would indeed
appreciate it very much.
Renata Olevsky - Monday, 22 May 2006
This is very interesting stuff...Thank you for sharing this.
Pam - Trenton ON, Canada - Monday, 1 May 2006
Very interesting! I really respect these people because they go through so much and still keep their heads up. Rest in peace to those that are not with us
Maria Slaughter - Wednesday, 22 March 2006
I saw the query on your site about Margaret Ann Robinson. She was toured in
'77 and '78 with the sideshow on Hoxie Bros Circus, which was managed by
Roger Boyd, Jr. ...
I hear that she died, some time back.
Margaret's pitch involved her height (not weight, as she was a little
chubby then), and family history. She'd been born in Denver (I think), to
normal parents. Her father was a coal miner, and was deceased. She must
have been touring for about 50 years, though she said that was her age. I
think she was 23" tall.
Her mom toured with her. She was a skinny and tough old lady, who had
smoker's cheeks, and wore those ugly mod hats, of the sort that ended up as
uniform at McDonald's.
Margaret had a wonderful sense of humor, and often wanted to play some
trick or other on the Baron (Wm Unks), who did fire and sword-swallowing.
Margaret and her mom lived at one end of an old trailer, painted purple in
keeping with the Hoxie colors. The Baron and a few more show guys
(including me) (not workingmen) lived at the other. There was a bathroom in
between, but we never had water in it, and the door was usually locked.
One time I gave Margaret a boost, through the window, so she could
shortsheet the Baron's bed.
Your site looks great! I hope all's well there!
Harley Newman - Friday, 17 March 2006
wow.....what an interesting website...just wow!
Doc - Jacksonville FL, USA - Thursday, 2 March 2006
hi, have you seen our web site www.999eyes.com? click on human oddities.
we also have a short film we made. we love your art and may have some subjects for you to paint.
samanthaX - Friday, 17 February 2006
While researching a real photo postcard showing 6 midgets, I came across the postcard of 7 midgets
on your website. You said you thought it was the Ritter troupe, but weren't sure. Several of the
people depicted on your card appear on mine. Until I saw the name Ritter on your website I wasn't
sure of the penciled note on the back of mine, but it says Will or Willie or William Ritter,
21 years, 42? inches, 44 lbs, from Berlin Germany. Since the people are the same, it must be the
Ritter Troupe. The same guy looks pissed off on mine too! By the way, nice website!
Janet - Saturday, 4 February 2006
JM: Looking as unhappy as they do, it's hard to imagine them being very entertaining. I can see
the marquee now: "The Ritter Midgets: World's Most Depressed Little People". ;-D
Yep, I think you're right that we have a positive ID here. Nice studio shot you've got there. The
sand, coconuts and end tables make for a rather surreal setting — especially the way they're all
dressed. Looks like a Caribbean cruise gone awry.
I believe the picture you have [of] a little man and an elephant looks like the same man in a photo
I have. I thought that the words written on the back said his name was Dainty Dewdrop. He was age
33 and height 26 inches. My grandmother wrote in the album under the picture that he was the
smallest man in the world early 1930s. I searched the internet for that name a little and had no
luck. Maybe if you are interested, this might be of some help.
Meredith Gross - Saturday, 4 February 2006
JM: Dainty Dewdrop? No wonder he looked so tough! That name is one I've never come
across before, but it might be our little man in question.
I got my photo from an antique dealer who had many other photographs
from the same collection, owned by an old circus agent. The same little man appeared in several
photos: helping drive tent stakes, standing on the elephant and sweeping straw of its back, etc.
I would have liked to have purchased them all, but the dealer wanted so much money for them that I
could only afford the one photo which was my favorite.
Thanks for your note. I'll try to find more information about "Dainty Dewdrop" (poor guy...).
its wonder to see that site. very interesting.
NIGHTLIONMAN - Wednesday, 25 January 2006
Mr. Mundie, a well done web site!
I am in possession of an 1869 copy of [Struggles and Triumphs] with an inscription
in the front, "To James L. Bump Esq. with compliments of the author, New York, March 8, 1890"
and then signed "P. T. Barnum" on the title page under the author's picture.
Can you tell me the relationship of James L. to Lavinia [Warren Bump]?
Sherwood Enck - Saturday, 21 January 2006
JM: Thanks for the kind words.
Mercy Lavinia Warren Bump's parents were James S. and Hulda Bump. Perhaps the "James L. Bump" to whom Barnum inscribed his book
was her father, but I don't know whether he would still have been living in 1890. Barnum
himself died in April of the following year. Perhaps your Bump wasn't her father but
another close relation.
I love your website. I used to visit the James Strates shows back in the 1960's.
My favorite attraction was always William Durks, "the Man with three eyes and two noses."
I've also seen Percilla the Monkey Girl, The Alligator Skin Man, Sylvia Porter "Woman with
the world's biggest feet", Melvin Burkhart "The Human Blockhead", and so many others that
I can't even remember. I have a DVD copy of Tod Browning's Freaks, and I have just
finished reading American Sideshow. I also read Very Special People back in the
1970's. Keep up the good work.
Gregg Jordan - Pembroke Pines FL, USA - Tuesday, 17 January 2006
Thank you, Jim, for a wondrous, enchanting and very informative site!
I too am looking for any information on "Major Robinson", the little person who
toured with Barmun's midgets. I am starting a family genealogy and learned that Major
is a distant relative. As I studied your site I came across an inquiry by
William McCarver. He attached a web page that was to contain the Major's photo. I
attempted to open the page but was unsuccessful... Any help is very much appreciated.
Thank you again.
Gary Chandler - Saturday, 14 January 2006
I am the second son of Cowboy Loye.
One thing I came across was Ray [Myer]'s letter to dad ordering a
book and picture. Written Nov. 16, 1934. Interesting in that it was written in green ink. I am sure that it is the first contact between the two of them.
In the letter Ray talks about spending the summer at Ripley's show at the World's Fair.
Donald Pack - USA, Saturday, 14 January 2006
Robert Pershing Wadlow was 8 feet 11.1 inches tall, but he died only 22 years of age.
Akiharu Murase - Japan - Friday, 30 December 2005
JM: Yes, indeed. Quite a tremendous height for such a young man. He still holds the official
record for the tallest man who ever lived, though I hear there is a man in Russia who may be
approaching Robert's height.
It is a pity that the tallest man should have died so young.
His height gets near to 9 feet, his lifetime becomes extremely short.
Akiharu Murase - Japan - Saturday, 31 December 2005
JM: Yes, it's especially tragic considering that otherwise Robert Wadlow was in very good health for a
giant. He did require the assistance of a cane when walking and had some numbness in his feet, but
he was apparently free of many of the other physical complaints typical with acromegaly.
If it hadn't been for the infection in his foot, Robert Wadlow probably would have lived for several
more years and would likely have surpassed the 9-foot mark. However, giants typically have fairly
short lifespans, so it's difficult to predict how long Wadlow might have lived. Giants often
develop severe arthritis, kidney and cardiac problems in their thirties.
Great job you are in the right way!
Frederick - France - Saturday, 24 December 2005
I have a postcard with the picture of The Ritter Midgets on it , 6 men and
4 women. It was one from the C.N.E. in Toronto, there is no date on it,
but some are the same people that are in your picture. The photographer of
the picture I think is ??? Hoffman, Berlin.
Blanche Rogers - Saturday, 26 November 2005
hmm... good site.
Chad - Thursday, 24 November 2005
I just checked out the new Prodigies image...
I REALLY enjoy it when you include the painting that inspired the new image so we at home
can compare and contrast the two.
Also, I don’t know why, but I’m particularly impressed by the image of the
parrot in this one. His feathers just look so damned perfect!
Matt the Knife - Tuesday, 22 November 2005
James, I've said it before, but I believe it needs
repeating. Your artwork is nothing short of
astounding, great work.
Ricky Hargrove - Florida, USA - Monday, 21 November 2005
As always, gorgeous.
James Taylor - Baltimore MD, USA - Monday, 21 November 2005
I have just found out that I am related to Margaret Ann Robinson. She was dubbed the
World’s Smallest Lady. Do you have any additional information about her? I have a
picture that states she is 18 inches tall at 18 years old and weighs 16 pounds. She may
be my grandmother’s sister’s daughter.
Cynthia J. Downey - Seattle WA, USA - Monday, 14 November 2005
JM: I don't know much about Margaret Ann Robinson, other than that she appeared in the
Midget Village at the World's Fair in Chicago (1933-34).
However, according to ShowHistory.com, Margaret was
born Margaret Ann Meek and also appeared under the name "Princess Ann". She seems to have
been one of the few performing little people from that era who did not appear as a
Munchkin in The Wizard of Oz, but if we were all judged by what we didn't do that
would be quite a long list!
Hope that helps. If you do turn up any more information, please let me know.
Cheryl McCullough - Gardiner ME, USA - Thursday, 10 November 2005
Hi – I love your site! I’ve been reading it for hours. These feel like old friends
of mine. I had a book of ‘freaks’ when I was a child and I remember them so fondly!
Do you know the reason why there are very few little people now who are not dwarfs? And
why do they continue to have the appearance of a child even as older people? Is that a
syndrome opposite of progeria?
Keep up the excellent work!
Celiene O’Hara - Wednesday, 9 November 2005
JM: Regarding your little people question: medically speaking, all little people are
dwarfs. However, in the popular mind little people are commonly called 'midgets' when
they are evenly proportioned (like big people in miniature) and 'dwarfs' when the
proportions are irregular (shortened limbs, large head, etc.). The former are much more
rare, generally speaking, and were consequently the most desirable in the entertainment
field. People generally considered midgets charming, but dwarfs disturbing.
There are many medical reasons for dwarfism, but one of the factors that often produces
the childlike appearance you mention is low levels of growth hormone. Due to lack of the
necessary hormones many midgets never actually achieve sexual maturity, so they are
physically children into adulthood. This is the reason many midgets maintain that
youthful appearance even into old age. Hormonal dwarfism is now easily treated when
diagnosed early.
LOVE your site! Your graphics are awesome! Your backgrounds are simply gorgeous! Keep up
the good work!
Zed - Wednesday, 9 November 2005
i think its real sad 2 see all those ppl who where born like that & if they were still
alive 2day then they could... have an operation so they could be normal
Monica Weaver - Missouri USA - Monday, 7 November 2005
JM: Yes, it must have been difficult to go through life that way, but consider how many
of those people wouldn't even get a chance today. At least those folks found an honest
way of making a living and didn't wind up hidden away in some institution.
Many of those who were officially called 'freaks' would rather have been accepted for what
they were than undergo surgery in order to become 'normal'. I think too often we think we
can 'fix' everything, but the world would be a very sad place if everyone were exactly the
Did P.T. Barnum have a stake in Austin & Stone's Dime Museum, on
Tremont Street in Scollay Square, Boston?
David Kruh - Thursday, 3 November 2005
JM: Hmmm... I'm not sure. I do know that Barnum (1810-1891) often mounted
joint ventures with his good friend Moses Kimball (1809-1891),
proprietor of the Boston Museum (also on Tremont starting in 1841,
rebuilt in 1846, closed 1903). Kimball and Barnum often traded exhibits
and performers, and entered into partnerships on several occasions (such
as with the famous Fiji mermaid).
I would suspect that if Kimball had an interest in the Austin & Stone
Dime Museum (1881-1912), that Barnum might have as well. But if not,
then Barnum probably would have wanted to stay clear of one of his
friend's competitors out of loyalty to Kimball. Also, the year that the
Austin & Stone museum opened was the year that Barnum merged with James
Bailey to create the Barnum & Bailey Circus, so he may have been too
preoccupied with other matters to pay much attention to Austin and
Stone. However, that's just conjecture on my part.
Thanks. One of Barnum's associates in the circus venture was James
Hutchinson, and there was a man known as "Professor Hutchinson" who was
the M.C., if you will, of Austin & Stone's. That is perhaps where the
confusion comes from.
Thanks for the reply. Great site, James.
David Kruh - Thursday, 3 November 2005
Nice site. Good readings.
Matilda - New York NY, USA - Monday, 31 October 2005
I came across your website(s) after surfing the internet looking for info about the World of Wonder[s]
sideshow. They're currently performing at the Pensacola (FL) fair.
I wanted to send you a short note to say that I enjoyed the photographs you took of WoW
and I really enjoyed the Prodigies drawings / website. The website is gorgeous, and I think your drawings
are wonderful and inspired.
Before this past weekend, I had never even thought of freak shows in any way. After seeing the WoW
show, which seemed much scaled back from the one you saw, I have to say that I'm mesmerized. Partly
it's the history — the whole traveling show — everything is not as it appears or is advertised
tradition and partly it's the carnie life.
Anyway, thank you for your work. I think it's very witty and wonderful.
Melissa Thacker - Pensacola FL, USA - Thursday, 27 October 2005
I just spent a bunch of time prowling through mundieart and
the Prodigies — fantastic stuff!
Marc Snyder, Fiji Island Mermaid Press - Thursday, 27 October 2005
I admire your art quite a bit. Please consider becoming a regular contributor to showhistory.com.
We need more people like yourself that have an abiding love of the shows.
D.B. Doghouse, ShowHistory.com - Wednesday, 12 October 2005
Your site is quite interesting; a real slice of a bit of what
entertained people in the days before political correctness. I guess we
can all be thankful for the Internet for enabling side show visits
without having to leave home!
Nicholas Spies - Friday, 16 September 2005
just wanted to mention to you that i like your site very much, my fascination for this subject came
mainly through your site. it's the most complete site about this subject i have ever seen. and the
beatifullest (how do you write that, i'm sorry for my english but i'm just a dutch girl) too.
keep up the good work! thanks for providing all this information so clearly.
mo - Netherlands - Monday, 12 September 2005
JM: Vele dank, Moniek! Ik werk aan nieuwe tekeningen, zo gelieve voor een ander bezoek terug
te gekomen.
Extraordinary! Highly fascinating and extremely well researched. I wish you much success in your
endeavors and appreciate the dignity with which you present all your findings and photographs.
Lisa Holloway - USA - Saturday, 27 August 2005
Beautiful site!
Robert - USA - Friday, 26 August 2005
Dear Mr. Mundie,
I'm writing to say how much I like your [work -] innovative and haunting while remaining
aesthetically pleasing and enlightening. Thank you so much and I wish you continued success.
Tina Imel - USA - Tuesday, 5 July 2005
I think your site is very fascinating but quite scary.
Sarah - UK - Tuesday, 28 June 2005
dear mr. mundie,
my name is lorie simpson. i am the great grand daughter of edward deal [who] was in the chicago world's
fair [with] ripleys believe-it-or-not - he blew smoke out of his forehead. he was from mchenry md. he was a
blacksmith, that is how the hole in his forehead came to be. he was shoeing a horse and was kicked in
the head and one of the nails went in. the hole went into his nasal passages, therefore he blew smoke
out of his forehead. i have been looking for a picture of him for a long time from the fair or magazine
but have had no success.
please contact me at your convenience with any info that may help me or that i
may help you. thank you.
Lorie Simpson - Saturday, 18 June 2005
Hello there. We viewed with great interest your photo of Charles Decker.
While researching genealogy information and going through old suitcases and family albums of photos a
photo of Charles Decker along with a photo of S. Hunter Smith. These were in our Cole family album...
I can tell you that my photo is a different pose and titled 'General Charles Decker' and on the back
is handwritten 'St. Louis, Missouri'. Our Cole family lived in Clinton, Missouri for some time. Under
the photo is printed identical information to your photo...
I also can share that on the back side of S. Hunter Smith's photo it mentions him playing the
dulcimer and traveling with a Steroscopic Exhibition in 1864. Hopefully this might help you and you
might be able to share some information with us.
Patti Lee Gates - Thursday, 5 May 2005
Isn't Machnow taller than
Robert Wadlow
as he is 9' 3 inches compared to Robert Wadlow at 8' 11.1 inches?
Dominic Jones - Tuesday, 26 Apr 2005
JM: You would think so, but in reality Machnow was probably more like 7'3" (or less). Like all good sideshow
giants, he greatly exaggerated his real height — just as midgets would claim to be shorter than
they really were. The only way Machnow could have been anywhere near that height is if they measured
to the top of that furry hat.
In Robert Wadlow's case, he wasn't kidding around: 8' 11.1" was the verified measurement of his height
at the time of his autopsy. Also, Robert was never really a sideshow attraction like Machnow. He did travel
on behalf of a shoe company, but Wadlow's celebrity rested entirely on the veracity of his physical
stature. He was a legitimate medical curiosity, whereas Machnow was just a taller than average guy
with a bit of showbiz flair.
Great site, the slide show part is shocking tho... :D
so, just a cool website, can u tell me what inspired you to make this?
I just cant work it out, and I'm GUESSING this is your first or one of them
messages, just wanna get some info, like your age, inspiration, where you
live, meh. Like your site, catcha later...
Carl - Sydney, Australia - Monday, 25 April 2005
Dis is a propa good site - VERY interesting.
Claire - Friday, 22 April 2005
Hi James,
I just visited your site and I'm really impressed with the depth of the material. I found information
there that I have been unable to find anywhere else.
The reason I'm writing is that I'm trying to research the Congress of Freaks 1929 photo from the
Kelty book. I am specifically interested in the contortionist in the lower right corner of that
photo. I have reason to believe that it may be my great grandfather. The same person appears in
photos of two other years as well.
Do you know anything about the people in those photos that might help me solve this family mystery? If
not, can you point me in the direction of someone who might know?
Steve Birch - Thursday, 7 April 2005
Hello, I just happen to see your site.
I have recently purchased a postcard with a child pictured.
Caption reads:
Myrna Myrle Clifton "Only Midget Ever Born of Midget Parents."
Midget City-A Century of Progress 1934.
I though it was interesting and wonder if you have seen this card.
Shanna Harlow - Friday, 1 April 2005
Dear Jim,
How perfectly synchronistic! I just found your site today and was going to write to ask how
much a print of Princess Wee Wee (riding greyhound) would cost. Your work is lovely~
Tia - Tuesday, 29 March 2005
Interesting reading about my grandfather's and my namesake. I suspect that Grandpa (Admiral Dot Lord)
was somehow named after PT Barnum's little person, as he was born about the same time that Admiral
Dot was touring with the circus (3/24/1873).
Admiral Dot Lord - Fairport NY, USA - Thursday, 17 March 2005
Dear James,
I am writing from Buckinghamshire, England (just outside of London). I fell
upon your website the other evening whilst looking for information on
particular person called George Auger.
The reason for my searching is that a friend of mine is related to George
Auger and we wanted to find out some more information.
Angela Ewen - UK - Monday, 14 February 2005
Hello, James! I was wandering through your website when I came upon the picture of the
midget troupe from 1925.
I had just recently seen a photograph for sale on eBay of the same people! In the photo most of
them have instruments, plus a full sized fellow with a violin. Thought you might be interested!
Thanks for an informative, interesting site!
Valerie McCook - Chatfield MN, USA - Wednesday, 2 February 2005
This is a wonderful site. I just love the artwork.
Matt Cadieux - USA - Wednesday, 2
February 2005
Love your website.
[On my site, you can see] Danoe the
Juggling TV Clown posing with the world's smallest man, [Nelson de la Rosa], who
hails from the Dominican Republic. Nelson is thinking about appearing in one of Danoe's three TV shows:
The Danoe The Clown Show, the News from a Clown's Point of View or The Lighter
Nelson De La Rosa is also know as "Mahow Mahow" and "The lil Dancing Man" and can often be
seen dancing on Spanish television networks. In 1990, was certified by the Guinness Record Book
as the smallest man on earth. When he was first examined in 1987, he weighed 15 pounds, his
chest was 17.5 inches, and his waist 16 inches. He appeared in the films The Thriller and
The Island of Dr. Moreau. By the time of the filming of The Island of Dr. Moreau he
weighed 22 pounds. To book Nelson for birthdays, corporate outings, picnics, or film casting
call him at 401-497-4167 or 401-241-6804.
Danoe the Clown - Providence RI, USA - Tuesday, 1 February 2005
I just want to say that I couldn't stop viewing your VERY interesting and
fascinating website 'til this hour: it is 1:31 a.m. and I have to sleep.
I want to congratulate you for these pages and also for your art.
I am most impressed.
Irina Luminita - Bucharest, Rumania - Saturday, 22 January 2005
I was looking at your site and I was wondering if you have any pictures or information on a man name Tiny Tim, or even if you heard of him?
Tanya - Saturday, 8 January 2005
I have always been intrigued with carnivals and amusement parks. I visited Sideshows by the
Seashore in Brooklyn and felt transported to another era. Your artwork moves me in the same way.
It helps to transport me to a different time and place. You are a wonderful artist and a
superb teacher.
Fred Kogan - Philadelphia PA - Saturday, 8 January 2005
WOW, Mr. Mundie!! Your website rocks. What Eye and Mind Candy!!
Leslie Ann - Friday, 7 January 2005
James Mundie, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I will add your site to our links
tonight. I think your stuff is great...
...have you ever done any drawings of Unzie-albino aborigine or Johnny Eck? ...
keep up the good work!
Robert Marbury - USA - Tuesday, 4 January 2005
You have some marvellous images on your web site, inspiring and imaginative.
I'll have to find more time to explore your gallery further.
seejay - Australia - Tuesday, 4 January 2005
Jim, just love the pictures on your site. Nice blend of artistic talent and warped sense of
humor. Especially like the saint clutching the conjoined twins.
tybalt - Tuesday, 4 January 2005
I started checking out some of the work on your site and: WOW! I love it!!! I love the
surrealistic feel and your choices of subjects is awesome! From what I've seen thus far, I
really like Andre the Giant as Saint Christopher. :D
CaishaRose - Monday, 3 January 2005
That new drawing of Joe the big-finger[ed boy] is stunning! Congratulations!
Jim Westergard - Canada - Saturday, 1 January 2005