
Expresso Poetry

Alphabetical by author

Richard Allen -- California

Rodney Alling -- The Night #34655

Glen Armstrong -- Toy Spiders

Madelyn Braverman -- Late Night Movie

Lisa Caliendo -- Dating Hamlet

Joel Dailey -- untitled

Jon Daunt -- She Didn't Want the Toaster

Holly Day -- The King is a Bald, Fat, Middle-Aged Pervert

Alan Devenish -- The Literary Life

David Reid Dillon -- OK HAIKU, untitled, and A Galluping Reality

Jared D. Farnsworth -- Holding Together

Evan Griffith -- The Process

Susan Hansell -- Broadway

Wayne Hogan -- Details at 10:00, A Little Awe for Unskimmed Milk, and A Great Big Haiku Howdy #1 and #2

Steven Jacobsen -- Eve of All Saints

Alex Jager -- No Title

Jim Kearney -- Handsome America

Ronald Edward Kittell -- Humanity

klipschutz -- Midnight Move

Visit these other missionCREEP sites
Bonnie Lasses, Tina Newberry's paintings show her obsessions with breasts, golf, and the Civil War
Slackjaw Online, Columns by Jim Knipfel
Art on a Stick, Drawings and comics by B. Amundson
Mouth Wash, Stories, humor, and articles by Mike Walsh
Parables in Glass, Disturbing stained glass artwork by Judith Schaechter
Creative Non-Fiction, Autobiographical paintings by Sarah McEneaney
Strangely beautiful paintings by Mitch Gillette
Incredible wood carvings by Susan Hagen

All copyright remain with the authors and artists.

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John Longhi -- Untitled, James Brown Poem, White Moth, and Dear Jon

Fabian McCarthy Jr. -- Booze

Brian McGlynn -- The Anarchy of Melodies

William Merricle -- I Yam What I Yam

todd moore -- 2 days after

Sheryl L. Nelms -- cement

Tim Peeler -- Einstein's Analysis of an Affair with an Older Woman

Walt Phillips -- Something Wrong

R. Evan Pitts -- Filing for Divorce

Ron Pronk -- Turtle Parable

Molly Russakoff -- Gams and A Date with James Dean

Jack Shadoian -- That-a-Way

Gary Sterling -- untitled

William Studebaker -- The Claude Dallases of the Old West

Jennie VerSteeg -- Poems for David Cassidy

Richard Wilmarth -- television

A. D. Winans -- Little Abner

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