
Expresso Poetry

Alphabetical by author

Richard Allen -- California

Rodney Alling -- The Night #34655

Glen Armstrong -- Toy Spiders

Madelyn Braverman -- Late Night Movie

Lisa Caliendo -- Dating Hamlet

Joel Dailey -- untitled

Jon Daunt -- She Didn't Want the Toaster

Holly Day -- The King is a Bald, Fat, Middle-Aged Pervert

Alan Devenish -- The Literary Life

David Reid Dillon -- OK HAIKU, untitled, and A Galluping Reality

Jared D. Farnsworth -- Holding Together

Evan Griffith -- The Process

Susan Hansell -- Broadway

Wayne Hogan -- Details at 10:00, A Little Awe for Unskimmed Milk, and A Great Big Haiku Howdy #1 and #2

Steven Jacobsen -- Eve of All Saints

Alex Jager -- No Title

Jim Kearney -- Handsome America

Ronald Edward Kittell -- Humanity

klipschutz -- Midnight Move

Visit these other missionCREEP sites
Bonnie Lasses, Tina Newberry paints her obsessions
Slackjaw, Columns by Jim Knipfel
Art on a Stick, Drawings and comics by B. Amundson
Mouth Wash, Stories, humor, and articles by Mike Walsh
Parables in Glass, Disturbing stained glass artwork by Judith Schaechter
Creative Non-Fiction, Autobiographical paintings by Sarah McEneaney
Strangely beautiful paintings by Mitch Gillette
Incredible wood carvings by Susan Hagen
Prodigies, James G. Mundie's drawings of sideshow performers of the past
Order, Chaos, and Dreams: The Art of Carol S. Nowak
14 Stations: Carvings by Susan Hagen and stories by Mike Walsh

John Longhi -- Untitled, James Brown Poem, White Moth, and Dear Jon

Fabian McCarthy Jr. -- Booze

Brian McGlynn -- The Anarchy of Melodies

William Merricle -- I Yam What I Yam

todd moore -- 2 days after

Sheryl L. Nelms -- cement

Tim Peeler -- Einstein's Analysis of an Affair with an Older Woman

Walt Phillips -- Something Wrong

R. Evan Pitts -- Filing for Divorce

Ron Pronk -- Turtle Parable

Molly Russakoff -- Gams and A Date with James Dean

Jack Shadoian -- That-a-Way

Gary Sterling -- untitled

William Studebaker -- The Claude Dallases of the Old West

Jennie VerSteeg -- Poems for David Cassidy

Richard Wilmarth -- television

A. D. Winans -- Little Abner

All copyright remain with the authors and artists.

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