
The Funnies

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Presto, it will appear!

Bill Amundson

Kenny Be

Dave Carlson

Wayne Hogan

Kitty Kocol

Mark Landau

Kev Monko

Karl Richeson

Roz Warren

Lora Wise

Visit these other missionCREEP sites

Prodigies: Sideshow performers posed in classical artworks by James G. Mundie.

Bonnie Lasses, Tina Newberry's paintings are obsessed with breasts, golf, and the Civil War

Slackjaw, Columns by Jim Knipfel

Art on a Stick, Drawings and comics by B. Amundson

MouthWash, Stories, humor, and articles by Mike Walsh

Parables in Glass, Disturbing stained glass artwork by Judith Schaechter

Creative Non-Fiction, Autobiographical paintings by Sarah McEneaney

Strangely beautiful paintings by Mitch Gillette

Incredible wood carvings by Susan Hagen

Order, Chaos, and Dreams: The Art of Carol S. Nowak

14 Stations: Carvings by Susan Hagen and stories by Mike Walsh

All copyrights remain with the authors and artists.

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