Myrtle Corbin at the Moulin Rouge
Pen and ink, 6 x 8 inches, 1999
Collection of Brad Andrew Brooks-Rubin
The celebrated Myrtle Corbin was billed as the "Four-Legged
Girl from Texas." Initially I believed those extra legs belonged
to a half-formed twin joined to Myrtle's abdomen. However, Myrtle Corbin was even more unusual
than that: rather than having a parasitic twin, Myrtle was actually double-bodied from the waist down (dipygus), having two
complete pelvises situated side-by-side at the base of her spine. Each of
her smaller inner legs was in reality paired to one of the larger outer ones.
Myrtle married at the age of nineteen and had five children,
which were alleged to have been born from both sides of Myrtle's unique
anatomical arrangement.
Myrtle actually had a bit of trouble getting around on her
own, but it seems to me that a girl with four legs — especially
one from Texas — by right should be quite a dancer. Why shouldn't she kick
up those extra heels in a lively can-can? Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's work
for and about the Moulin Rouge inspired the setting.
All Images and Text © James G. Mundie 2003 - 2018