

Books by Roz Warren

Roz Warren has edited many collections of women's humor. Here are a few, which can be pruchased from Amazon.com:

Men Are from Detroit Women Are from Paris: A hilarious collection of cartoons by women poking fun at men.

Women's Lip: Outrageous, Irreverent and Just Plain Hilarious Quotes
Comediennes, humorists, film stars and other famous women mouth off.

When Cats Talk Back: Cat Cartoons With Attitude

Mothers: Cartoons by Women
Motherhood in graphic laughs. Includes Jan Eliot, Lynda Barry, Nicole Hollander, Lynn Johnston and many more.

Dyke Strippers: Lesbian Cartoonists from A to Z: Interviews with lesbian cartoonists with excerpts of their work. An omnibus of the wild imaginations of lesbian cartoonists.

The Best Contemporary Women's Humor
A collection of cartoons that runs the topical gamut from Barbie and bathrooms to morning sickness, motherhood, and rage.

Big Breasts!!

by Roz Warren (rosalindwarren.com)

Bigger breasts in 90 days or your money cheerfully refunded!

R.T. of Sacramento writes:
"My breasts, formerly the size of chickpeas, are now the size of watermelons! Am I thrilled!"

R.W. of Fayetteville writes:
"My breasts, formerly the size of roses, are now the size of the Grand Canyon! Am I confused!"

E.Y. of Boston writes:
"My breasts, formerly the size of wastebaskets, are now the size of nuclear reactors! Am I hallucinating?"

What does breast size have to do with anything you ask?

Important scientific studies indicate that the larger a woman's breasts, the more likely that men will notice her. A woman who has breasts the size of Xerox machines, for instance, will be more likely to be noticed than a woman whose breasts are only the size of robin's eggs.

What can you do about this?
You can buy our product, which, in moments, will allow you to adjust the size of your own breasts to remarkable proportions.

How easy is it? Does it hurt?
It's fairly complicated, but the results are worth it. No, it doesn't hurt much. Well, it hurts a little, but aren't hooters the size of fireplugs worth a little pain and suffering?

Don't hesitate!
This offer is only good until the attorney general closes us down.

Send your check or money order today!

Other stories and humor by Roz Warren:

The Year's Best Short Story

Up Yours! Piss Off! Fuck You!

Air Disaster Horoscope

Men Who Don't Love Women Enough and How to Shoot Them

Visit these other missionCREEP sites

Prodigies: Freakish humans posed in classical artworks by James Mundie.

Bonnie Lasses, Tina Newberry's paintings of topless women

Slackjaw Online, Columns by columnist Jim Knipfel

Art on a Stick, Drawings and comics by B. Amundson

Mouth Wash, Stories, humor, and articles by Mike Walsh

Parables in Glass, Disturbing stained glass artwork by Judith Schaechter

Creative Non-Fiction, Autobiographical paintings by Sarah McEneaney

Strangely beautiful paintings by Mitch Gillette

Incredible wood carvings by Susan Hagen

Prodigies, James G. Mundie's drawings of sideshow performers of the past

Order, Chaos, and Dreams: The Art of Carol S. Nowak

14 Stations: Carvings by Susan Hagen and stories by Mike Walsh

Send email to Roz Warren or visit rosalindwarren.com.

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